True Life Story2A High Knob Vista True Story
Sometimes explanations are not possible. The following episode is as true as any chronicle of this sort can ever be. Initials are used in lieu of monikers to protect the identity of those involved.
A casual and hopeful trip to High Knob Vista to witness a sunset turned to mental anguish for four intrepid explorers.
A sturdy Chevrolet with large, very fancy wheels carried MB, JS, RE, and BHCF from a yearly board meeting at the Hillsgrove Ranger Station to the ethereal heights of High Knob to enjoy a bit of relaxation and release from the taxing duties of the Winter Board Meeting. They were in search of the elusive and magnificent High Knob sunset.
After reaching the peak, cocktails were consumed and a vigil for the setting of the sun began. High spirits prevailed.