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Bloodworm- n.(bludd’wurm) medical condition resulting from the use of a chainsaw for routine incisions







Cigareet  n.  (sig - ə - 'rit ) a request for a complimentary cigarette donated by a cigarette buyer to a cigarette forager


Delivery - n.  A reference to an anhilistic wish for alcohol poisoning to be “delivered” during a River Chums function, often in conjunction with “Self-inflicted Mickeys” and “Le Roux the Stowaway”.


Dinner n. – a somewhat larger, multi course evening meal, usually consumed between midnight and one AM and prepared by tipsy chefs.


Drive by cupping – Use of a blowgun dart to convert Jack’s Bloody Mary cups into hilariously funny dribble glasses.


Flop off  n. Expression for a type of poker dice overtime segment resulting in all or nothing but including numerous side wagering.


Gak  - v.i.  (  'gæk ) 1.  to induce S.O. into doing something by making a comment posing  a rhetorical question as to whether something will work or not. 2.  to choke


Geologist n. – A canoe partner (front paddler) with a propensity  for close (possibly too close) examination of looming geologic formations resulting in ejection of the canoe occupants.


Haitian boat people – Early primitives no one remembers inviting on an early canoe trip blessed with the ability to canoe backwards through heavy white water


Hawaiian War Couch- A safe haven far from the reach of local ramrods where canoeing and paddling skills are inconsequential.


How do it know? Statement of surprise and amazement used upon discovery of secrets of heating and cooling in the high tech vacuum bottle.


Lateral Hershey Streaks – a seemingly physically impossible feat of territiorial marking 90° from the usually expected track made by a temporary loss of control of the marking orifice.


Leister Trolling – The practice of sending a non-representative group member (not a hair out of place) forward to attract otherwise unapproachable members of the opposite sex.


Le Roux    ( 'li  - roi ) – A brand of locally popular brandies with a high sugar content, often consumed directly from a paper bag clad glass vessel frequently encountered as a stowaway.


Looking for Night Crawlers v.i.  a  euphemism for the act of divesting oneself of ones stomach contents in the kneeling position as necessitated by overzealous consumption of alcohol.


Lunch –  ( 'lənch ) a warm meal, possibly containing burgers or dogs , usually eaten between 6 and 8 PM


Mickey, to Slip S.O a ~  or to slip one’s self a ~ The practice of intentional  or accidental inducement of cocktail overconsumption.


Mountain Canoeing – A dry land method of fine tuning white water paddling techniques practiced far from any body of water by negotiating a 42° slope covered with damp leaves and containing large oak tree pylons.



Onion  (Ownyown)- n. ( ō - ni - 'ōn  )  Common call for a particular martini type using cocktail onions instead of olives.


Rattlecakes – acoustic solicitation of cocktails via ice rattling in an aluminum cup


Run it by Joe – a remark of indecisive buck passing about a suggested activity or behavior.


‘sploshen -  fulfillment of a basic human need while hunting from an elevated platform type deer stand under intensely urgent conditions.


Talking to the Lord - v. i.  euphemism for the act of consuming mass quantities of Lord Chesterfield malt liquor (often resulting in an involuntary search for night crawlers.See "Looking for Night Crawlers".)


Wedding Singer – an otherwise normal person who elects to attend weddings for the purpose of singing instead of attending official River Chums function.



Zacklies – A joke which has been told countless times but which may still be waiting for the first laugh.

Spring Floaters’ Insider  Lexicon by MCMM with help and web format by BHCF





Drive by cupping

Flop off



Haitian boat people

Hawaiian war couch

How do it know?

Lateral Hershey Streaks

Leister trolling

Le Roux

Looking for night crawlers


Mickey, to slip S.O a ~  or to slip one’s self a ~ aka  self-inflicted

Mountain Canoeing

Onion (Ownyown)


Run It by Joe


Talking to the Lord

Wedding Singer
